Art of IBS – A Powerful Expression

“I thought I was the only one.”

For many who experience symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), “I thought I was the only one” is a familiar sentiment. It is not uncommon to feel alone with symptoms that are difficult or embarrassing to put into words, that may disrupt activities, yet are invisible to others. The Art of IBS is meant to spread awareness.

Part of the frustration of living with IBS symptoms is not having the words to fully describe the experience or its impact on daily life. Anyone who does not directly experience the persistent but unpredictable physical and emotional challenges of living with IBS may find it difficult to understand. IFFGD offers a means to express this symptom experience through the Art of IBS.

art of IBS

We have compiled a collection of art to uniquely describe the experience of living with IBS. The works have been exhibited at major international medical meetings where they have given expression to the patient experience. Many of the works have appeared on the covers of our quarterly journal, Digestive Health Matters.

Whether or not you think of yourself as artistic, we invite you to express yourself and share your experience through painting, drawing, print, ceramic, sculpture, metal, fiber, mixed media, surface design, or photography.

We ask that you donate your work of art to IFFGD to be used to raise funds for education and research. We will need your name and address for our internal use. You will have the option, however, of having your name attributed to your work or remaining anonymous for publication.

An Invitation to Participate in a Special Awareness Effort- “Art of IBS”

If you are interested in participating in Turning Inside Out – The Art of IBS, or want additional information, contact us

If you will be donating a work of art, we will arrange for shipping. Remember, we will need your name, address, and contact information for our internal use.

We will also appreciate your sending us a brief biography telling us something about you and your art. You will have the option, however, of having your name attributed to your work or remaining anonymous for publication.

It is with great anticipation that we await your own personal expression or work submitted on your behalf. Thank you.

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IFFGD is a nonprofit education and research organization. Our mission is to inform, assist, and support people affected by gastrointestinal disorders.

Our original content is authored specifically for IFFGD readers, in response to your questions and concerns.

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