Anonymous Personal Story

Anonymous Personal Story: IBS and a Lifelong Dependency on Enemas

I am dependant on enemas. Will be 63 soon ,have used them for about 35 yrs. I had developed hemroids, had been ill ,not eating ,when I started eating, I had hard stool and forced some bowel movements. A visiting doctor gave me a bottle of powder ( can’t remember the name, but it increases bulk) and I took it. Of course my constipation got worse and my hemroids became horrible , I couldn’t leave the house because I couldn’t sit properly.I refused to go back to that Dr.or any other, until I could see my reg guy . Decided to use an enema to get some relief , it worked and there was very little pain. I was sold !!! Used every day for almost a year. Finally got “DOC” back and of course he fussed me out and cussed the Dr. Who gave me the powered fiber.
He gave me the lecture about how to stop the constipation and I got some relief. Didn’t even need surgery for the hemroids. A year later he was forced to retire(at 70) His wife was severely ill.
I had bouts of constipation and decided I wanted no pain and be able to get up , relieve myself , get on with life. Used enema every morn before work so I wouldn’t have to go at work and I didn’t have gas or pain or bloating.
Now at my age , I HAVE to have them. If I don’t use them . I am miserable all day. But I’ve had diverticulitis for several years. I had a pancreatic incident . No Dr. Could tell me why, surgery removed a blockage in my bowels and I recovered,spent 3 weeks in hospital where they used enemas so I wouldn’t strain. Although I ate almost nothing for over s month, they did enemas anyway.
I had another attract of my pancreas (it hates me)but antibiotics worked( I went as soon as I felt the pain) I would love to get off enemas, but I’ve tried all the laxatives( cause nausea) tried the yogurts that suppose to help(nausea)..My late husband would have coffee in the A.M. and head straight to the “library”. A long haul trucker,you would think he’d have trouble going, but even when COPD put him on heavy med’s. Reg as clock work , and yes I did try coffee , just got indigestion …
Only plus to all this , I haven’t had hemroids again. But PLeASE don’t take that as an endorsement, my life would be so much better without this dependence. No trip or vacation, even taking the grandson to the pool or movies is a trial. If I can’t have privacy , I can’t use my enema and it’s ruined many a vacation

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