I am now 61 and have suffered with chronic constipation for over 20 years. I’ve managed over the years but as of 10 years ago, I’ve used psyillium, miralax, and milk of magnesia as a laxative. Over the past year I’ve noticed that my bowel habits have changed. I complained to my Gastro doc, but he always blamed it on the wrong foods I ate since I had previous trouble with GERD. When I came into office in March 2014, doubled over in pain in my lower pelvis, he wanted to blame it on gyn issues, but after he ordered a cat scan he then diagnosed me with IBS.
My current symptoms include passing gas, bloating, constipation and sometimes diarrhea. Because of my profession, I need and love coffee and a glass of wine per day. I have read that coffee and wine causes IBS flareups, but I cannot live with out it. Most times the coffee and wine do not affect me, but there are small instances when they do. Another fault I have is not drinking enough water. I am trying to work on this problem since this definitely contributes to my constipation.
I am not disciplined in taking my Miralax and or Psyllium as I should and the constipation occurs.
I know that you Love your coffee and wine but if they can hurt you I do Not understand why you would still drink them. I have serious pain in my abdomen and I would give up Anything if it will help the pain ease up or go away. Seriously,Anything. Just a thought.

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